Website Development
Building Websites That Work.

At Web Life Productions Inc., we understand the demands on you as a business owner and entrepreneur and you already understand how important a professional web site is to your company.

With web design services offered locally, nationally and internationally, you get value and you get results. We have vast experience in the southwest, but also serve clients in every state and many countries.

Joomla Website Design, Development and Hosting

JoomlaJoomla is one of the internet's most popular, robust and functional PHP based content management system web application solutions. The Joomla system provides an integrated framework in which a site can be built that allows easy maintenance and deployment of web based applications within the site framework and design layout. Joomla does require some initial knowledge in order to develop and configure a website design into a Joomla template. However, once this initial work is completed, the benefits of this content management system quickly becomes evident. There are thousands of free and pay-for components and modules which a site builder or owner can use within their site from simple news ticker modules to complex shopping carts that require a minimal amount of integration development to employ. The site you are currently on is a Joomla site.

At Web Life Productions Inc., our team has extensive knowledge of Joomla web hosting and many of the most popular extensions. We would be happy to install and configure a Joomla web solution for you. If you have specific extension needs or customization help we can provide that to you. Our technical support staff are experts in tracking down the most common errors that are reported in Joomla web hosting. In addition, our advanced web design services division, can create and build a new web presence that is built around this framework so that you can easily maintain your website while having a state of the art and professional web presence.

Wordpress Design, Development and Hosting

WordpressWordpress is a very popular blogging software. According to some sources, it is the top rated blogging software used today. However, it goes far beyond simply being a blog. Wordpress is extremely versatile and can be adapted to almost any type of website and provides an excellent content management system. The backend interface is intuitive and easy to use for the average website owner. Wordpress' user friendliness is augmented by a vast collection of plugins in the Wordpress Plugin Directory. Plugins are the functional building blocks of a Wordpress installation and serve functions, similar to that of widgets, to provide information from weather, to donation blocks, and even basic shopping cart abilities. Wordpress is highly efficient at handling a variety of media types including audio in various formats such as podcasts and integrated video. Furthermore, its templating system allows almost any website design to be converted to a Wordpress template so you can highly customize and personalize your website.

Web Life Productions Inc. is very knowledgeable in Wordpress web hosting and development and can install Wordpress into your account or assist you in upgrading an old Wordpress installation that has grown out of date. In addition, Web Life Productions Inc.'s advanced web development team can create a custom web presence based on the Wordpress framework for your business.

CALL us toll-free today at (877) 537-9030 to let us help you with your hosting needs.
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